What is Personal Debt Collection?

Personal debt collection refers to the process of recovering debts in personal transactions, such as personal loans, personal investments, or verbal agreements, where one party fails to make timely payments.

Main Characteristics and Forms

Debt collection in these scenarios aims to protect the rights of both parties involved, ensuring that overdue payments are recovered promptly and maintaining the legality and efficacy of the transactions.

Personal loans are one of the most common forms of C2C debt, often occurring among friends, family, or colleagues based on a foundation of trust. However, when the borrower fails to repay on time, the lender may need to take steps to recover the debt.

In personal investment scenarios, investors put money into projects or businesses expecting a return. If the project or business fails to pay the agreed-upon returns, investors need to recover their principal and due profits.

Many personal transactions are based on verbal agreements, such as short-term loans, joint purchases, or shared expenses. These agreements often lack formal written contracts but still hold legal validity. When one party defaults, the other needs to recover the owed amounts.

For example, shared rent, travel expenses, or other living costs—when one party fails to pay their share on time, the other needs to recover these costs.

Joint purchases of major items like cars or electronics; when installment payments are not met, the other party needs to recover their due share.

When helping friends or family with purchases, and they fail to reimburse the purchasing costs on time, it becomes necessary to recover the funds.

Personal rental agreements, such as for furniture, cars, or other equipment—if rental fees are not paid, the lessor needs to recover the unpaid rent.

When helping with tuition or training fees, and the funds are not repaid as agreed, the contributor needs to recover these costs.

When personally advanced medical expenses are not repaid on time, recovery of these costs is necessary.

When commitments to donate are not fulfilled, recovery of the unpaid donations may be necessary.

Mans Mediation’s Methods and Our Effectiveness

We have a team of experienced debt collection experts familiar with various debt recovery techniques and strategies, capable of quickly assessing the situation and developing suitable recovery plans.

We use a variety of collection methods, including phone calls, email notifications, in-person negotiations, and legal letters, to maximize the effectiveness of our recovery efforts.

Based on the specific situation and needs of each client, we develop personalized recovery plans to ensure that each step is targeted to address specific issues for the best results.

We strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations, ensuring all collection activities are legal and compliant, protecting your rights, and avoiding any legal risks.

Our Advantages

We possess extensive experience and efficient collection methods, achieving a success rate of up to 90%, far surpassing self-collection or average collection agency levels.

We avoid cumbersome and expensive litigation processes, providing efficient and economical dispute resolution solutions.

Compared to making calls or sending emails yourself, our professional team handles debt issues more efficiently, allowing you to focus on other important matters.

Managing debt collection yourself can be stressful and embarrassing. Choosing our services can avoid these issues, letting professionals handle all debt collection work.

In addition to debt collection, we also provide related legal advice and support, ensuring that legal measures can be taken when necessary to protect your rights.

We operate on a no recovery, no fee policy, charging a service fee only after successful debt recovery, ensuring you do not incur additional costs due to unsuccessful collection efforts.

Importance of C2C (Personal) Debt Collection

C2C debt collection is crucial for individuals as it helps avoid financial losses and protects the safety of personal funds and investments. For the paying party, a reasonable collection process encourages the borrower or transaction partner to fulfill their payment obligations, maintaining fairness and the smooth conduct of transactions.

Advantages of Mans Mediation

Mans Mediation possesses extensive legal and business knowledge, enabling the development of suitable collection strategies for different types of debts. Our company is proficient in various collection methods, such as telephone negotiations, visits, legal letters, and adheres to Hong Kong’s relevant legal regulations to ensure the legality and compliance of the collection process. Through our professional services, you can ensure a smooth and successful debt recovery process.

Whether you need to recover commercial debts (B2B), personal debts (P2P, B2P), or other forms of debts, our professional debt collection services offer comprehensive support and solutions. If you have any questions about debt collection or need professional consultation, please contact us at any time, and we will be dedicated to serving you.


Process of Personal Debt Collection

You can contact us and provide information about the debt. We will conduct a preliminary assessment and start the collection work within two to three working days.

We will discuss in detail with you to understand the reasons for the payment delay and try to reach a payment plan or other negotiation arrangements. We will develop a personalized collection strategy based on your specific situation.

We conduct a background check on the debtor, analyzing their financial status and payment capabilities, and devise an effective collection strategy.

Based on the information gathered and background check results, we will develop a personalized collection plan for you and explain the strategy and expected collection process.

We contact the debtor by phone and may conduct field visits to understand the debtor’s situation and engage in negotiations.

We take appropriate actions to collect the debt, which may include legal actions or other lawful collection means.

If the collection is successful, ensure the recovery of funds and complete necessary record-keeping and paperwork. If the collection fails, consider further legal action or other appropriate measures.

If collection is unsuccessful, you generally do not need to pay any fees, and we will advise on the next steps for the collection strategy based on the specific situation.

Other Collection Methods

In addition to the conventional collection methods mentioned, there are other effective debt recovery methods, including but not limited to:

  • Letter Collection: Debt collection agencies send formal written notices demanding repayment, which generally have more legal weight than verbal notices.
  • Court Litigation: If other collection methods are ineffective, the collection agency may file a lawsuit to seek judicial enforcement of the debt.
  • Online Collection: Utilizing online platforms and databases to find the financial information of debtors for more precise collection actions.

These steps are designed to ensure that creditors can effectively recover overdue payments while maintaining the rights and relationships of both parties. Our professional service team will provide personalized solutions and support based on your specific situation and needs.

Customer Reviews

Is Debt Collection Legal in Hong Kong?

In Hong Kong, simply failing to repay a loan (commonly referred to as "walking away") does not constitute a criminal offense; such situations are considered civil disputes and are not handled by the police. However, creditors can pursue the recovery of debts through civil legal means. Our company can offer professional assistance and employs other legal methods to help you recover debts.

Legal Methods for Debt Collection

  1. Professional Mediation and Debt Collection Assistance
    • Phone Call Collection: Regularly call the debtor to remind them to repay the amount due. Our professionals use a polite yet firm tone to ensure that debtors understand the importance of repayment and provide reasonable repayment plans to facilitate prompt repayment.
    • Written Notices: Send letters or written notices to the debtor, explicitly demanding repayment. These notices usually include details of the debt, deadlines for repayment, and the legal consequences of non-payment. These documents are legally binding and can serve as evidence in future litigation.
    • Personal Visits: Send personnel to visit the debtor personally to further negotiate repayment matters. Our professionals will communicate face-to-face with the debtor, explain the importance of repayment, and try to reach a repayment agreement, increasing the success rate of debt recovery.
    • Mediation Services: Our professional mediators can act as neutral parties to help both sides reach a settlement, avoiding further legal proceedings. Our mediation services aim to resolve disputes through negotiation, reducing the costs and time associated with litigation.
    • Civil Legal Avenues
      • Lawyer’s Letter Demanding Repayment: Initially, creditors can send a lawyer’s letter demanding repayment from the debtor. This letter typically specifies the amount of debt, the deadline for repayment, and the consequences of non-payment. If the debtor fails to repay after the deadline, the creditor can choose further legal action based on the amount:
        • Small Claims Tribunal: For debts of HK$75,000 or less, one can file a claim at the Small Claims Tribunal. In this situation, neither party needs to hire a lawyer, thus avoiding legal fees. The procedures at the Small Claims Tribunal are relatively simple and are designed to quickly resolve minor debt disputes.
        • High Court Litigation: As the amount of debt increases, the jurisdiction for litigation changes. For larger amounts, creditors need to initiate litigation in a higher court. In these cases, both parties must appear in court to present and defend their cases. The creditor needs to prepare sufficient evidence, such as promissory notes and contracts, to prove the existence of the debt.

Statute of Limitations for Debt Collection

The statute of limitations is a critical issue in debt collection. According to Hong Kong law, if there are documents such as promissory notes, failing to repay a loan is considered a breach of debt. Under the Limitation Ordinance, a "cause of action" arises on the day of the breach. Once more than 6 years have passed, the plaintiff is no longer entitled to sue. Therefore, if someone has been failing to repay a debt and it is nearing 6 years, it is advisable to take action immediately to avoid losing the opportunity to legally pursue the debt.